Expand your drawing, illustration, or painting practice through the creative power of perspective drawing techniques. Students will how technical precision meets visual concept in this introductory perspective drawing course. Learn how to render accurate perspectival objects and scenes as well as manipulate space and form to create experimental compositions. Learn to use 1, 2, 3 point and fisheye perspective. Also learn to sketch and employ scale figures in context. We will draw buildings, boats, vehicles, landscape and figures.
Go to Continuing Studies website for further information:
This structured, high-energy course develops your basic to intermediate drawing and sketching skills, specifically related to space and spatial concerns. Exercises and projects focus on applying principles of perspective drawing, sketching concepts, and other compositional strategies. A variety of creative freehand techniques will allow you to develop your approach to architectural drawing.
Go to Continuing Studies website for further information:
This course provides an in-depth study of the human head and face for portraiture. Using a variety of media, including charcoal, ink, and graphite, you will explore proportion, resemblance, texture, shape and expression. Basic structural analysis will be covered. Course work includes drawing from reference images, and directly from a model.
Go to Continuing Studies website for further information:
This course will include the fundamental skills and processes of painting in acrylics, such as color choices and mixing, as well as highly effective techniques and processes. We will also go beyond the basic skills to create paintings of landscapes and still-life, etc. Fundamentals-Plus is a course suitable for those who are beginning to paint in this versatile medium, as well as those with some experience who wish to continue to paint in a supportive studio. All painting projects are clearly demonstrated, step-by-step by well-known teaching artist, Tony O’Regan (toregan.com).
Studio Classroom in Credo High School 21846 52 Ave Langley, BC
Acrylic Fundamentals Plus- Two scheduled offerings –
Select Offering 1WS23 – Wed Feb 8 2023 – Mar 8 2023 – 6:30-8:30pm – 5 sessions
Acrylic Fundamentals Plus- Select Offering 2WS23 – Wed May 3, 2023 – May 31, 2023 – 6:30-8:30pm – 5 sessions
This course provides a wonderful project-oriented studio setting for those who have painted with acrylics before, even at a very basic level, and who wish to continue to paint projects in a supportive and organized environment. We will focus on the compositional design, procedures and techniques, through projects, such as, nature and village scenes and floral. Highly experienced teaching artist, Tony O’Regan (toregan.com), will organize and demonstrate each inspiring painting project, encouraging individual expression and development.
5 Wednesdays, Mar 22, 2023– Apr 19 2023, 6:30pm to 8:30pm,Studio Classroom in Credo High School 21846 52 Ave Langley, BC
Learn some basic methods for drawing and shading horse heads, body forms, and typical poses. We will approach this intriguing and challenging subject matter by using large scale models and projections , using charcoal, soft pencil and blending stumps on paper. Guided exercises and demonstrations will be provided by instructor, Tony O’Regan.
Saturday, June 10, 2023, 9:30am to 1:00pm, Classroom in Credo High School 21846 52 Ave Langley, BC.
Learn the basics of 1 and 2-point perspective. We will draw a village street, considering architecture, light/shadow, windows and materials, silhouette shapes. We will learn to draw convincing figures involved in activities and correctly in perspective.
Saturday, June 17, 2023, 9:30am to 1:00pm, Studio-classroom in Credo High School 21846 52 Ave Langley, BC.
Learn to paint powerful landscapes defined by trees, rocks, water and snow-capped mountains. Sculpted form, space and landscape are combined in these exciting and much-loved subjects . Each move is clearly demonstrated and explained. Though some prior experience in painting is recommended, but the motivated novice is also welcome. Videos are provided for viewing during the course if you have to miss a session.
Materials will be acrylic paints – red (crimson), yellow (hansa), blue (ultramarine), green (thalo), white(titanium). One point-detail and one ¾ “ flat brush. HB pencil, sharpener and eraser. Two or three 16 x 20 canvases. Palettes and water containers are provides.
Contact registration at Shadbolt – (604)297-4440
FLORAL EXPRESSIONS 2023 – in Acrylics
May 12 – June 2, 2023,
Four afternoon sessions – 2 pm – 4:30pm
The title says it all! Along the way, we will approach the various bloom and leaf forms. We will study gesture, contour, mass, space, silhouette, light and shade, color and composition. Each move is clearly demonstrated and explained. Videos are provided for viewing during the course if you have to miss a session. No prior experience is required. Those with some experience will also benefit.
Materials will be acrylic paints – red (crimson), yellow (hansa), blue (ultramarine), green (thalo), white(titanium). One point-detail and one ¾ “ flat brush. HB pencil, sharpener and eraser. One or two 16 x 20 canvases. Palettes and water containers are provides.
Contact registration at Shadbolt – (604)297-4440
April 14 – May 5, 2023
Four afternoon sessions – 2 pm – 4:30pm
Begin by learning the essentials of 1 and 2 point perspective drawing. We will then move on to shade, shadow and reflection on wall surfaces and windows. We will study the drawing of scale figures to give life to scenes. We will also touch on silhouette, urban form and space. We will look at traditional villages and at urban streets. This subject matter is of interest to many, such as, travelers, urban design sketchers, and general interest artists.
Each move is clearly demonstrated and explained. Videos are provided for viewing during the course if you have to miss a session. No prior experience is required. Those with some experience will also benefit.
Materials are very basic – 2b/4b pencils, eraser, sharpener and 30” straight edge; A pen, such as Pilot Fineliner or equal; Paper can be a few sheets of 11 x 17 velum or trace, as you wish. (More discussion of materials in first session.)
Learn to draw the figure with artist Tony O’Regan. Over this five-week course you will learn about constructive methods, anatomy for artists, using gestures as a structuring technique. Learn to handle many poses, such as standing, walking, running, sitting, reclining, etc. We will also deal with detail areas, such as, head-neck, hands, feet and clothing. Figures in context and perspective will be studied. This course is very useful for those wishing to learn to draw from live models, (we will be using projected images during the course . – (Few or no videos this time due to subject matter.)
Most materials provided, optional supplies will be discussed the first class
Tuesdays: Feb 14 – Mar 14, 6:30pm – 8:30pm (5 weeks) Check Semiahmoo site for details –
Instructor: Tony O’Regan Room: Visual Arts Studio Learn to draw the portrait with artist Tony O’Regan. Over this five-week course you will learn about constructing the head-form, features, expressions, shade-shadow and lighting themes. We will use both sculptured heads and projected images. The aim is to be able to construct a typical head-face at many angles and rotations, both from memory and from observations of images. We will study expressions and facial anatomy for males, females and children. This course is excellent preparation for working from a live model.
Most materials provided, optional supplies will be discussed in the first class.
Tuesday Evenings, beginning July 12, 6:30 – 8:30 pm, Semiahmoo Art Center Instructor: Tony O’Regan Tony will share some of the expertise he has gained as an artist, architectural designer and instructor at Universities and Art Colleges for over 25 years.
Greetings to my friends in Art!
The two-hour sessions will be on various drawing topics that I think may interest you:
Perspective Drawing
Village Streets
and more!
You can enroll one evening at a time or for a set, as you may find convenient. I hope to see you there!
Refresh your Art Skills this summer!
This special summer drawing series will include Perspective Drawing, Shade-Shadow-Reflection, as well as focusing on drawing special subject areas, like Face, Figure, Boats, Horses, Village Streets, and others.
The first session will deal with an overview of Perspective Techniques and Principles. The second session will focus on Perspective Applications and case studies. From there, we will go on to Villages and Street Scenes; Drawing the Face; Drawing Figures; Boats and Coastal Scenes; then animals – Horses and Dogs. The classes are intended to be of use to people who wish to draw for its own sake or as an adjunct to painting.
Bring basic drawing materials of your choice – soft 2b or 4b pencil, 8 x 11 paper or larger, and whatever else you may wish to use.
Sessions will run from 6:30-8:30 Tuesday evenings beginning July 12 at Semiahmoo Art Center in the Visual Arts Studio (located at 14601-20 Ave, South Surrey, BC).
Cost is just $25 /session drop-in basis ($20 for Semiahmoo Arts members).
All levels welcome. Numbers are limited, so please pre-register at Semiahmoo Arts. Call the office at 604-536-8333 or use the button to register.
Every Tuesday, Mar 8 – Mar 29, 7:00 – 9:00 pm, online via Zoom Instructor: Tony O’Regan This online course will guide you through basic techniques to create colourful art subjects, such as landscapes and reflective lakes. The 4 sessions consist of thorough demonstrations and are appropriate for beginner to intermediate level students. Includes two months of further access to Tony O’Regan’s website so you can review videos of demos at your own speed and convenience after the end of the course. Materials are not included – list on request $95 (tax included)
Every Tuesday, April 5 – April 26, 2022, 7:00-9:00pm, online, via Zoom
Instructor: Tony O’Regan
Flowers have always been a favourite subject for painters. Gesture, Contour, Silhouette, Light and Shadow are among several highly interesting techniques you will learn to create beautiful floral paintings. The 4 sessions consist of thorough demonstrations. Some prior experience with acrylic painting is recommended. Includes two months of further access to Tony O’Regan’s website so you can review videos of demos at your own speed and convenience after the end of the course. Materials are not included – list on request.
In this online course, you will learn techniques to depict rocky shores and ocean and beach scenes, creating paintings of our beautiful coast. Some prior experience with acrylic painting is recommended. The 4 sessions consist of thorough demonstrations. Includes two months of further access to Tony O’Regan’s website so you can review videos of demos at your own speed and convenience after the end of the course. Materials are not included – list on request.