Just Finished Panorama

This is a panoramic mural in five 3 x 3′ wood panels, acrylic with inscriptions carved in acrylic modeling paste. Title and theme: “Haunted, We Are All Still Here”. Recalling the many incidents of ghostly encounters in the buildings at the Shadbolt Art Center in Burnaby, BC. It is on display at the Shadbolt now and for a few weeks. Top third is a panorama of the buildings on site; bottom third are eulogy inscriptions from the 1800’s by well known poets, such as Poe, Longfellow, etc; Middle third are fanciful figures likely to have enjoyed cultural events on site during the past century (and who are possibly still there, who knows?). The colors are way off here and the heavily textured effect does not show due to flat fluorescent lighting. It’s on the Shadbolt website and looks a bit better there.



I did most of it during my ‘artist’s residency’ at the Shadbolt Center, Aug. 2018. I did some finishing touches and delivered it for display yesterday.

There will be a panel discussion on the Artist in Residence Program at The Shadbolt Center on March 14. If interested, check out this site:



Drawing – Tony’s Art School

Tony's Art School at Shadbolt

Shadbolt Center Burnaby Jan-Feb 2019
Tony´s Art School – Drawing –
City of Burnaby Webreg 487042

Ages: 18 Yrs. and over
– adult $184.60
– seniors $147.68

8 Wednesdays Jan-16-2019 10 AM – 1 pm PM (3 hrs)

Studio 106 – Shadbolt Centre for the Arts

Tony’s ‘Art School’ A curriculum-based class focusing on a wealth of knowledge through detailed demonstrations and clear instruction. Build tools to heighten your artistic abilities in drawing and painting. Returning students welcome.Tony’s ‘Art School’ – Drawing: Concentrate on perspective, line, composition, tone, shade and shadow using dry and wet media. Instructor: Tony O’Regan.

We are all still here…

For the month of August, 2018, I was ‘Artist in Residence’ at the Shadbolt Center for the Arts, Burnaby BC.  I created a 15 foot by 3 foot painting on five wood panels. The theme was derived from the many reported ghost sightings in the buildings on the Deer Lake site.  It will be on view at the Burnaby Art Gallery-Ceperley house in Feb 2019. Along the top is a panorama of the buildings. Along the bottom are carved eulogy inscriptions from 19th century poets. In the center are fanciful figures, a festival of spirits, from the many festive events that happened at the site during the past century – monks, nuns, dancers, pipers, performers, etc. At present there are more that 100 figures… This took about 1 month –  I may add more.


Turner, who Me?

I was invited to pose as Mr. Turner the British painter at the Shadbolt Center earlier this month and gave a lecture-workshop for 60-70 people. Drawing tall ships. Fun to be dressed in 19th century costume with top hat. Maybe the look will make a comeback.

“Tony’s Art School” Shadbolt Center Burnaby

“Tony’s Art School”  Shadbolt Center Burnaby

April 11 – a series of 8 Wednesdays:

Drawing in Morning 10 am-1 pm.

Painting (either acrylic or Watercolor) in PM  2 pm- 5 pm

Call Shadbolt Center in Burnaby or email tony@tonyoregan.com for details


Watercolor Painting  – 4 Tuesdays – $125

10 am to 12:30 pm – 4 Tuesdays,  April 3, 10, 17, 24  (course will also be offered May 1, 8, 15, 22)

We will explore a variety of subjects, such as landscape, water, and others. Everything is demonstrated clearly, and supported by a website with videos. Suitable for all levels. (A new set of 4 painting classes begins each month, subjects always changing).


Acrylic Painting  – 4 Thursdays – $125

10 am to 12:30 pm – 4 Thursdays,  Apr 5, 12, 19, 26   (course will also be offered May 3, 10, 17, 24)

We will explore a variety of subjects, such as landscape, water, and others. Everything is demonstrated clearly, and supported by a website with videos. Suitable for all levels. (A new set of 4 painting classes begins each month, subjects always changing).


3 Drawing Mondays –  Toward the Portrait – $90

Drawing  3 Mondays – 10 am to 12:30 pm June 4, June 11, June 18

Learn the essentialls of drawing the basic headform, and features and shading. Everything is demonstrated clearly, and supported by a website with videos. Suitable for all levels.


3 Drawing Mondays –  Drawing Villages and Landscapes – $90 

Drawing 3 Mondays – 10 am to 12:30 pm  –  July 9, 16, 30  (off July 23)

Learn basic perspective to draw buildings, landscape and other subjects you might encounter on your travels. Everything is demonstrated clearly, and supported by a website with videos. Suitable for all levels.


3 Drawing Mondays –  Drawing the Figure – $90

Drawing 3 Mondays – 10 am to 12:30 pm – Aug 13, 20, 27  –

Learn to construct the human figure, anatomy, clothing and contexts. Everything is demonstrated clearly, and supported by a website with videos. Suitable for all levels.


Midweek Three-Day Painting Workshops:

Watercolor July Midweek – Teach your Brush to Swim – $125

10 am – to 3 pm – TWTh  –   July 10, 11, 12  Learn a variety of techniques to produce credible watercolors. The subjects are mainly landscapes and villages, but we are open to requests to support your interests.  Everything is demonstrated clearly, and supported by a website with videos. Suitable for all levels.


Acrylic July Midweek– Make a Face – Painting a Portrait – $125

10 am – to 3 pm – TWTh   – July 17, 18, 19 

Learn to construct the head and understand how to shade effectively for painting; The use of an ‘under-painting’; how to mix believable skin-tones, warm and cool; step by step demonstrations in painting the portrait. We will work from a famous historical portrait or you can bring a good photo of your own. (Note there is a 3 Monday drawing course called ‘Toward the Portrait’, which you may find useful but not required). Everything is demonstrated clearly, and supported by a website with videos. Suitable for all levels.




Spring-Summer Courses

with Tony O’Regan

Empower yourself to draw and paint the subjects that you love!  

Artists and Designers –  whatever your age, whatever your stage, these tutorial classes will help you develop the abilities you need to succeed in your art.  These courses will focus on helping YOU acquire those skills. Through concept presentation, demonstration and guided projects, supplemented by access to videos at home,  you will move forward in your artistic goals. This upcoming series by Tony O’Regan is a wonderful way to begin or continue your artistic path.

Full Schedule Listed ABOVE

Watercolor, Acrylic, Drawing, Perspective, Portrait, Figure, Landscape, Villages, Still-life and More.

Tony O’Regan, artist, designer, instructor. Visit Tony’s teaching video support website at www.toregan.com.  Learn from a top professional with an honors diploma in Painting, a Masters in Design (Architecture Specialization), among numerous other credits, Tony has over 25 years teaching experience at Emily Carr Shadbolt Center, and UBC, and 25 years as a leading designer.

Materials for Acrylic:  Titanium White, Aliz. Crimson Red, Yellow Light or Medium, Ultramarine Blue, Veridian Green; Sm Bottle Matte Medium, Begin with one 16 x 20 canvas; a 1” flat and a small round-point (eg #6).

Materials for Watercolor: Crimson Red, Yellow Medium, Ultramarine Blue, Veridian Green; One sheet Arches 140 lb paper cut in quarters; a medium to good quality 1” flat and a small round-point (eg #6).

Materials for Drawing: 1 pencil 2b or 4b; 2 sticks 2b or 4b conte and or 2 sticks charcoal(rectangular section); small blending stick; a fineline felt pen; pad of white paper 11 x 14 or larger..

Please Note:  Your place in the class is confirmed by your payment of the full amount. You may withdraw with 85% refund until two weeks  (14 days) prior to the first class session. After that time, No refunds or transfers are possible after one week before the first class due to our financial commitment to the instructor. Registration can be transferred to another course (depending on suitable space being available) until one week (7 days) before first class session. Missed classes are not transferable to other courses/sessions.          Call 531-8226 to register. Materials lists are available at the desk.  Class size is limited so please register now at The Gallery to avoid disappointment!!!

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