Session 5 – Using Underlay Grids: Perspective & Vehicles/Compound Curves

Perspective Online Session 5 VEHICLES: SUV ON UNDERLAY GRID START, 1 of 5  {March 22, 2021}

Perspective Online Session 5 VEHICLES: SUV ON UNDERLAY GRID ENDS, 2 of 5  {March 22, 2021}

Perspective Online Session 5 VEHICLES: CURVEY CAR, 3 of 5  {March 22, 2021}

Perspective Online Session 5 VEHICLES: LINEAR SPACESHIP, 4 of 5  {March 22, 2021}

Perspective Online Session 5 VEHICLES: COMPACT SPACESHIP, 5 of 5  {March 22, 2021}

Perspective Online Session 5: BOX ROTATIONS, 1 of 5 {Nov 10, 2020}

Perspective Online Session 5: COMPOUND CURVES BOATS, 2 of 5 {Nov 10, 2020}

Perspective Online Session 5: VEHICLES GRIDS, 3 of 5 {Nov 10, 2020} 

Perspective Online Session 5: SPACESHIP LINEAR FORM, 4 of 5 {Nov 10, 2020} 

Perspective Online Session 5: SPACE SHIP COMPACT FORM, 5 of 5 {Nov 10, 2020} 

PERSPECTIVE  Day 5 – Model-A  Car {July 17 2016}

PERSPECTIVE  Day 5 – Curvy Vip-car {July 17 2016}


Spaceship Flying-Wing form 2-1

Draw PERSPECTIVE AND BOAT FORMS Vehicles 1 of 4, Pelican

Draw BOAT HULLS GALEON  Vehicles 2 of 4, Pelican

Draw CARS Vehicles 3 of 4, Pelican

Draw SPACESHIPS Vehicles 4 of 4, Pelican

Next Session #6: Photoperspective

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