On Thu, 26 Jun 2014 15:22:15 -0700, L.S. wrote: Hi Tony, I just want to share an idea with you for practicing figure drawing. This idea originated from my granddaughters (ages 6 – 11) who, using the newspapers, draw ‘extra’ features on people or animal images. I have taken this one step further, thinking of your figure drawing classes which I enjoyed so much. Choose newspaper images that show only partial figure forms, eg., head and/or torso and complete the figure. Ball point pen works good on the newsprint. I am having a lot of fun with this. The figures can be dressed and posed however you choose! L.S.
GESTURE & FIGURE FORMS PT 1 (30 min) (ClickTap video title)
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GESTURE & FIGURE PT 2 (30 min) (ClickTap video title)
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GESTURE & FIGURE PT 3 (17 min) (ClickTap video title)
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Drawing as a Martial Art
While teaching a group of City Planners to draw at SFU one summer I happened to say that learning to draw was a bit like learning a Martial Art… “You practice the individual skills which are quite simple and repetitive and eventually put them together into useful sequences.” One participant observed that…”Drawing was in fact a martial art.” I was expecting a joke about monks throwing charcoal or some such thing. But he said: “In the days before cameras officers were taught to draw as a part of their military training. They had to accurately sketch things like maps, gun emplacements, harbor defenses, etc. Officers would sit on deck in the days of sail while in foreign ports and sketch the defenses ,where the ships were at anchor, etc. Later, those drawings went to the Admiralty where they were kept in drawers as military intelligence until they were needed in a time of war. So – Drawing was a Martial Art.”
SSWR night 3, May 7 – PERSP. SCALE FIGURES -‘CLOTHESLINE AND MEASURING WALL’ 15 min (click-tap Video title)
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Please note: Some video tutorials are exclusive to students currently enrolled in courses at Emily Carr. If you are already logged in but you cannot access this content, if may be because you do not have the required membership level. Please contact Tony if you are interested in a course.