SSWR ARTISTS, Night Two, Apr 30 2015 (Vid 3 of3) click

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Please note: Some video tutorials are exclusive to students currently enrolled in courses at Emily Carr. If you are already logged in but you cannot access this content, if may be because you do not have the required membership level. Please contact Tony if you are interested in a course.

Accepted Carleton Architecture! Congrats…(click title)

(If you follow this link you will find many examples of architecture and other portfolios.)

Hello Tony,    This is Guillermo. I was enrolled in 3 of your courses at Emily Carr in the fall term, I would like to thank you for helping me develop my skills in architecture.  I received my letter of acceptance from Carleton University School of Architecture. For the last months I developed a Portfolio in which I included some art pieces we did in the classroom. I also included the model of the 15 story building we made in the modeling class, (well I made it at my home, but I couldnt have completed it without your guidance). Your website is fabulous it helped me out a lot to create an idea of what a portfolio should look like. I would be pleased if you take a look at mine at this link. If you have any ideas on how I can improve it please let me know. I would appreciate it a lot! I would be pleased if you put it up in your website, thank you again!     Guillermo

 – Congrats Guillermo, I am very happy you were successful getting into Architecture At Carleton. Looking at your portfolio, I honestly would not change anything. It looks casual, but organized. That’s the perfect message for a school audience. “Too clever is dumb.” Your highrise looks good and shows you can do 3D stuff. Perfect. Congratulations and best of luck. Stay in touch and give me your impressions of the school after your beginning year is over. You are justifiably proud of your work and your acceptance…Tony O’

SSWR ARTISTS, Night One, Apr 23 2015, Vid 1 OF 5

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Please note: Some video tutorials are exclusive to students currently enrolled in courses at Emily Carr. If you are already logged in but you cannot access this content, if may be because you do not have the required membership level. Please contact Tony if you are interested in a course.

SSWR ARTISTS, Night One, Apr 23 2015, Vid 2 OF 5

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Please note: Some video tutorials are exclusive to students currently enrolled in courses at Emily Carr. If you are already logged in but you cannot access this content, if may be because you do not have the required membership level. Please contact Tony if you are interested in a course.

SSWR ARTISTS, Night One, Apr 23 2015, Vid 3 OF 5

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Please note: Some video tutorials are exclusive to students currently enrolled in courses at Emily Carr. If you are already logged in but you cannot access this content, if may be because you do not have the required membership level. Please contact Tony if you are interested in a course.

SSWR ARTISTS, Night One, Apr 23 2015, Vid 4 OF 5

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Please note: Some video tutorials are exclusive to students currently enrolled in courses at Emily Carr. If you are already logged in but you cannot access this content, if may be because you do not have the required membership level. Please contact Tony if you are interested in a course.

SSWR ARTISTS, Night One, Apr 23 2015, Vid 5 OF 5

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Please note: Some video tutorials are exclusive to students currently enrolled in courses at Emily Carr. If you are already logged in but you cannot access this content, if may be because you do not have the required membership level. Please contact Tony if you are interested in a course.

Much appreciated email from a student, Mar 31, 2015

Dear Tony,

I just wanted to let you know that I drew 150 small scale figures, side view only.
I also drew another 125 small scale figures, front, side, walking/jogging. The size ranged from 1/2 inch to 7 inches, average about 2 inches or less.  Now it is a part of me, like  you said.
I really enjoyed your design class. I continue to watch as many videos of yours that I can, at least two per day. Do you have anymore charcoal drawing demonstrations videos?
Last item is that I ordered the book, The Zen  of Seeing.
Just to keep in touch.    Thank you for your knowledge.
Sincerely,  S.S
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