Introduction to Figure: Videos 1 – 12

Constructing the face and figure may seem challenging, but it is enormously interesting and engrossing. I am easily bored, but after many years, figure drawing (and perspective) are best things I ever undertook. You will learn so much more along the way!

Parts of the Figure

Video 1 of 12 – INTRO TO FIGURE:  Using Charcoal Types

(July 7,  2024)

Video 2 of 12 – INTRO TO FIGURE:  Manikins and Gesture Types (July 7,  2024)

Video 3 of 12 – INTRO TO FIGURE:  Gesture to Contour (July 7,  2024)

Video 4 of 12 – INTRO TO FIGURE:  Using Trace Paper to Compose (July 7,  2024)

Video 5 of 12 – INTRO TO FIGURE:  Foreshortening (July 7,  2024)

Video 6 of 12 – INTRO TO FIGURE:  Torso Sculpt Bends Twists (July 7,  2024)

Video 7 of 12- INTRO TO FIGURE:  Torso Sculpt Bends Twists (July 7,  2024)

Video 8 of 12 – INTRO TO FIGURE: Head Face Proportions (July 7,  2024)

Video 9 of 12 – INTRO TO FIGURE:  Head Face Proportions (July 7,  2024)

Video 10 of 12 – INTRO TO FIGURE:  Manikins (July 7,  2024)

Video 11 of 12 – INTRO TO FIGURE:  Using Manikins (July 7,  2024)

Video 12 of 12 – INTRO TO FIGURE:  Poses From Manikins (July 7,  2024)

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